George Bernard Shaw Quotes

George Bernard Shaw Quotes

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"What is life but a series of inspired follies?" ~ Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw "Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby!" ~ Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw "Written over the gate here are the words 'Leave every hope behind, ye who enter.' Only think what a relief that is! For what is hope? A form of moral responsibility. Here there is no hope, and consequently no duty, no work, nothing to be gained by praying, nothing to be lost by doing what you like. Hell, in short, is a place where you have nothing to do but amuse yourself." ~ Man And Superman by George Bernard Shaw "You can be as romantic as you please about love, Hector; but you mustn't be romantic about money." ~ Man And Superman by George Bernard Shaw "The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is." ~ Man And Superman by George Bernard Shaw "Those who talk most about the blessings of marriage and the constancy of its vows are the very people who declare that if the chain were broken and the prisoners left free to choose, the whole social fabric would fly asunder. You cannot have the argument both ways. If the prisoner is happy, why lock him in? If he is not, why pretend that he is?" ~ Man And Superman by George Bernard Shaw "There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it." ~ Man And Superman by George Bernard Shaw "If you lived in London, where the whole system is one of false good-fellowship, and you may know a man for twenty years without finding out that he hates you like poison, you would soon have your eyes opened. There we do unkind things in a kind way: we say bitter things in a sweet voice: we always give our friends chloroform when we tear them to pieces." ~ You Never Can Tell by George Bernard Shaw "I have always said that the great advantage of a hotel is that it's a refuge from home life, sir." ~ You Never Can Tell by George Bernard Shaw "My rank is the highest known in Switzerland: I'm a free citizen." ~ Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw

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